Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Effects of Air conditioner on health

By Overload health

Unaware Of Side Effects Of Air-Conditioning On Our Health? | The ...

We all know how useful is air conditioner for us especially during the hot summers. In most hot countries, having an air conditioner is like a most basic need. But usage of too much air conditioners have revealed it causes serious health problems which people might not be aware of. Here are some of effects on health by using of excess air conditioner. 

1. It leads to a dry skin

Using air conditioner for a lot of time can cause skin dryness because the air in it causes your skin to lose moisture and even leads to irritation.  lowers skin's resistance and makes surface cells dry out. The temperature might be comfortable, but dry, itchy skin will often follow.

2. It leads to dehydration

By living in a air conditioning rooms, people neglect the intake of water which causes dehydration in our body. With the use of air conditioner your body stays cool and you don’t feel like the need of drinking water. A lack of adequate hydration at work can cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of concentration and headaches.

3. Tired or lethargy

Research has shown that people who have air conditioner in their homes have found to be the most lazy because of the temperature of the room and making people to stuff into their blankets. you may even encounter breathing difficulties. This is because your AC will become the breeding ground for pathogens like fungi, bacteria and moulds

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4. The air circulation can transmit infectious respiratory diseases

The cold air coming through is usually the air from outside and if there is a air-borne disease can be transmitted through the air conditioner.
With this people stay home and stay safe with corona virus pandemic keeps on increasing. please wear masks and use hand sanitizers.

5. Reduces the ability of staying in hot environment

Air conditioner messes up with your normal body temperature which makes you less capable of managing in a hot environment. This has increased the rate of heat related deaths which are constantly increasing.

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