Saturday, April 11, 2020

How do you stay healthy even during self-quarantine?

Man, Window, Corona, Coronavirus, Virus

As the new corona virus outbreak was identified in Wuhan, China in the late December 2019 has now became a pandemic and now a more than a million have been affected. Many people are now being forced to stay home and attain self-isolation so that the world can curb the spread of this dangerous pandemic.

People staying home and attaining self-quarantine can cause additional stress and even make it difficult for remaining physically fit. But with the right types of exercise and nutrition you can stay healthy and fit mentally and physically even in this tough times.

For how long you need to exercise at home?
World health organisation have suggested to have a 150-minute moderate or 75 minute of vigorous exercise without any special equipment at home.

1.  Take more walks in short intervals

One of the simplest and easiest way is to start walking in very short intervals after every 15-20 minutes after sitting in front of T.V or computer.
So that you keep having some physical activity rather than sitting for a full stretch.                    

2.  Focus on ground exercises

       Ground exercises are one of the types where there is no need of special equipment. Simply you can use a yoga mat or even just your home floor.
Some of the exercises are:
·       Push ups
·       Sit ups
·       Cranks
·       Russian twists
·       Wall sit ups
·       Stretching

Press-Up, Push-Up, Press Up, Push Up

3.  Play more with your pets

This is actually the best time to spend more play time with your pets for making a strong bond. This will help to increase your physical activity and keeping body active throughout the day.
Dogs are humans best friend and there are many indoor games you can play for keeping you and your buddy healthy.

dog toys keep your dog engaged and happy.

Dog, Garden, Terrier, Fun


Yoga is simply the greatest and the most peaceful way for a human’s body to relax and reduce mental stress during the situation of COVID-19. Yoga doesn’t require any special equipment just a yoga mat will do all your work

Meditate, close your eyes and just relax with a soothing music.

Yoga, Childs Pose, Asana, Yoga, Yoga

5.  Focus on your nutrition

As thousands of people are being self-quarantined. This is the best time for your nutrition to be perfect in accordance to your body as you will reduce intake of outside food and more of home-made food is to consumed.

Get your diet perfect with adequate amount of fruits and vegetables.

 Fruit, Fruits, Fruit Salad, Fresh, Bio

The final focus is to be staying healthy even during this world crisis stage. We need to overcome this and stay mentally, emotionally and physically fit.

Let’s end this pandemic by staying home and staying healthy



Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Effects of Air conditioner on health

By Overload health

Unaware Of Side Effects Of Air-Conditioning On Our Health? | The ...

We all know how useful is air conditioner for us especially during the hot summers. In most hot countries, having an air conditioner is like a most basic need. But usage of too much air conditioners have revealed it causes serious health problems which people might not be aware of. Here are some of effects on health by using of excess air conditioner. 

1. It leads to a dry skin

Using air conditioner for a lot of time can cause skin dryness because the air in it causes your skin to lose moisture and even leads to irritation.  lowers skin's resistance and makes surface cells dry out. The temperature might be comfortable, but dry, itchy skin will often follow.

2. It leads to dehydration

By living in a air conditioning rooms, people neglect the intake of water which causes dehydration in our body. With the use of air conditioner your body stays cool and you don’t feel like the need of drinking water. A lack of adequate hydration at work can cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of concentration and headaches.

3. Tired or lethargy

Research has shown that people who have air conditioner in their homes have found to be the most lazy because of the temperature of the room and making people to stuff into their blankets. you may even encounter breathing difficulties. This is because your AC will become the breeding ground for pathogens like fungi, bacteria and moulds

 Are Chills Normal When You Have the Flu? A Doctor Explains ...

4. The air circulation can transmit infectious respiratory diseases

The cold air coming through is usually the air from outside and if there is a air-borne disease can be transmitted through the air conditioner.
With this people stay home and stay safe with corona virus pandemic keeps on increasing. please wear masks and use hand sanitizers.

5. Reduces the ability of staying in hot environment

Air conditioner messes up with your normal body temperature which makes you less capable of managing in a hot environment. This has increased the rate of heat related deaths which are constantly increasing.